Sunday, April 20, 2008

lampoon the humans

I've been trying to lampoon the humans ever since I
realized I wasn't human. I'm from the moon.

Listen, coolie.
I really truly cannot make a walk.
Or talk.
My office is my home and it is my castle and my
mystical magical imagination laden cocoon where I
create as I go along and on my death bed I would say I
wish I had been more productive at that computer and
made all the things that swirl in my head and my heart
come into fruition and dispel the darkness that is all

From darkness to Light.

I really do have work that is my own creation and it
is taking all my time. Just like if you and the band
were touring the nation. It would take all of YOUR
time. right?

Well, I'm touring the nation only I aint moving.

So thank you Mr. funny and funky trumpet man.
My problem is I love people but I don't necessarily
have to see them :)

I have a clothing line and I manufacture in India and
I just got back from 5 weeks on the moon. The streets
in some of the villages or towns I had to visit are
all torn up. Craters as big as the moon. Car was
bouncing like we were bobbing for apples. It was sea
sickness but with more pollution.

SO my little mission of dressing the world is my
passion and great ambition and therefore I have no
other interests to entertain at this given instance.

It is late again. And again I am typing when I should
not be cause it aint safe. Me at night time at the computer.

So hey, be swell. Live life grand and great and make
that piano sing a song loud and strong.

Ok. I is now signing out.
take care.
Of all that is you and yours and alive in the

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