Sunday, May 4, 2008

God incarnates from time to time

(India Mon, 17 Jan 2000)


At long last, getting on internet here is no fun
and sometimes when we get on they loose connection so
it is an unwelcome distraction and....with more & more
time it becomes less of a motivation to use. So the
delay in my response.

Happy New Year. And what a year, to you and all
of yours. I am still in Puttaparthi but have located
outside I have a nice two rooms with one little burner
for cooking and the ashram is 10 minutes by foot where
I walk at 5 AM among the wondering mules and street
sweepers and little Indian ladies selling flowers and
normal waking village life.

And All is well. So well. It is a real time warp
the process of being here, there is little connection
to the outside, so it is like leaving the planet, like
being breathed into infinity one slow breath at a time
and it is the greatest joy and greatest pleasure.

Truly, all my wishes have come true. There is
no place I belong but here. It is my home. It is the
heart and soul of creation. And all originates from
the Source. And the Source has chosen to take form.
And it chooses to do so "from time to time" as is
stated in the Bhagavad Gita to help lead man back on
the royal road to God. Whenever man strays the Unseen
and Unspoken takes birth to provide leadership and
example of the road back to Truth, Peace,
Righteousness and Non-violence. To provide
leadership and example is the answer why the Avatar
vs. devotion to the formless. "Love all Serve All".
"Service to Man is service to God" And God has taken
form in Puttaparthi and lives in Prashanthi Niliyam
"The abode of Supreme Peace". And His name is Sri
Sathya Sai Baba. And he sure is Grand. And I haven't
even met him yet.

As you know people from all over the world are
here. But the most impressive is the Indian community
and the scope of what is being done. "It is not in
the nature of Avatars to fail" says Baba.

I could never even in countless pages explain what
goes on here, what is done here and what I am going
through here. It is beyond explanation. But oh my
God, Oh my God and oh my God. Two months and it has
just begun. And it all was and will always be. What
is done here. The unfolding is so manifold there is
no container big enough to keep hold.

There is no other. "There is only the One" and when
I am finished here there will be no container big
enough to hold me back. Such is the weight of my
devotion. Such is the faith of my heart. Such is the
joy in my soul.

It is said one must dive deep into the ocean of Truth
to retrieve the pearls of wisdom. And I would say
one is propelled deeper and deeper by the weight of
ones devotion and the weight of ones devotion is
determined by the degree of ones non-attachment to
worldly things.

Non-attachment is the only way out of the world.
Then one finds that what one called and named sacred
was but an illusion of ones ego.
"God first, World next, myself last"... Baba.

Infinite beauty. Infinite Joy. He is the Christ
Consciousness in human form. And he can manifest
anything by the wave of his hand. "There is no place
where I don't know the way". There is nothing He
can't do or undo. He is pure Love and he says
unaffected by either praise or criticism " I march on
alone undeterred". A living example for me. I too
march on alone undeterred. Because I have had many
lifetimes with teachers I have come to know
and in this lifetime it is the same. And the Gods are
among us. Thereby was my immense experience with Mother
Meera. Thereby was the complete destruction of all
that was old, unnecessary and rendered useless.
Thereby was my first contact with the keeper of my
Soul. The God's are among us. To teach humanity that
we are all Gods.

But this you know.

One of my ashram roommates was a grandmother from
Sarejevo who went through the war with many hardships
and lost two of her sons. She's been twice before and
had an interview with Baba. Out of the group he
turned to her first and said "where are your sons?"
then where is your husband. She didn't now where he
was at the time but has since returned safely
home. She also had private moments with him and as
all who meet him say, he knew every detail of her life
and he showered her with so much love she said it is
not to be described. She sings Bhajans to her
grandchildren in Sarejevo. I met a woman from
Macedonia that saved for 15 years to come to see him.

The grandmother works for a German relief
organization volunteering to distribute food and goods
to the Bosnian community. They helped her financially
to come here for three months.

We were in a group together with two women from
Belgrade one is a Professor at the University and a
published poet and author who found Baba some 20 years
ago and wrote a heart wrenching book on her journey all
over the world and to him as she was searching for a
cure for her sick son. Baba told her to let him go.
And funny enough my roommate was reading her book
during the war with the limited amount of kerosine
oil they had and crying and ended up meeting her while
here. Her roommate was a professor and painter with
long hair and a sense of humor. Jagoda was her name.
There was a Croatian professional Sailor who wanted to
marry me cause Baba told him to make children.

The other night I had dinner with a Malaysian doctor
living in Australia who after 24 hrs. was fed up and
leaving but was loveliness all loveliness and at the
end she had tears in her eyes and hugged me tight.

I could write pages just on the people I've had the
pleasure of meeting here and am very fortunate to have
access to the whole world without moving.

There is a community of people that are staying for
extended periods of time and I love living here. All
of it. I helped a photojournalist from LA ( and art
model and's LA) take pictures around
the village for a book that is being done and was
commissioned by Baba himself. It was pure bliss. I
art directed a lot of the shots and took her to the
locations. And realized that I always have seen all
of it as art. Great art. Even the poverty. There is
such great beauty in all of it. God is all of it. She
is having a show in LA called "India : The Light

And I only tell you this to show you the variety of
people here. The whole world is united in
Puttaparthi. It is a global village of transformation… personal and global.

I couldn't explain the experience of being here even
if I tried and it is such a distraction to write andto get on line that I won't be in touch much.

But I will be checking my in-box from time to time.
Just as God incarnates from time to time :)

Please know that I hold you in Light.

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