Friday, May 13, 2011

Letter to Krishna Das

Letter sent with gift of girlskirtmission Indian Kurtas.

Dear Mr. Krishan Das,

I decided I really wanted you to have one of my shirts (or two). So I found you. And on your web site I saw that you will be in Germany, and Frankfurt.
Makes my heart take a thump. The years I lived there and in darshan of Mother Meera were the greatest gift of God. She gave me everything…even eventually passing me on to a life in India. And to those whom much is given…..

May I only and always be of Service to God. I love you and I want to dress you.

Your music saw me through the loneliest and hardest climb of my life.
Germany is a tough place to move and alone.

Thank you. And Jai Ma. The two of you saved my life.

And now I’m…. importing some of the colors and Light and Love of India to the West.
I’m just a start-up designing Indian skirts and yoga pants to the Yogis and Yoginis.

My mission statement:

“I want to take over the world. And do it with a skirt. To teach it Love”

And….they love them. They are infused with Love and the joy and gratitude I feel in my heart.

And….I resisted doing a “business”. I only wanted my Guru and my bhakti life and India. The night I decided I had had enough and was packing my bags to go back….My guru came in my dream, and I was on a dirt road in India with people all lined up for darshan and in anticipation I got up and found my guru sitting in an open “carriage” (chariot perhaps?) speaking to someone next to me.... with a leap when I had the opportunity with hands folded in prayer, I asked “Swami! What should I do?”. He looked me straight in the eyes and said “stay in worldly life” and then he told me the one thing that anyone could have told me which took away all fear that I was compromising my spiritual life. So what could one do but stay. And all the doors have opened with ease and I find a life and a community that is actually a joy. For now at least, it seems to be my dharma to dress Americans in Indian fabrics.

I hope you like them. You would look good in them.

At least wear them in Germany and the circle will be complete.

With deep bow,

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